24 August 2009

This past week

I'm so happy. This past week I received my AoA and my Gentle Dragon. This means that what I have been doing has been noticed. I was beginning to feel like I do so much and get nothing out of breaking my back. Sometimes a little recognition goes a long way, and I never like being a doormat.

Maybe later I can take pics and get them up here.

20 June 2009

In a Rut

I know I haven;t really worked on my persona much in a while. I'm feeling a little stuck. I want to make a nice turkish outfit, but need the resources, the money, the skill, etc. as well as the time. I need to figure out what kind of material I need as well as how much of it. I've sewn very few things so am at a loss as to the type of material I need. I have a friend who is willing to help me, but with my schedule, that's hard to do.

So I feel like I'm in a rut.

Also, I'm supposed to autocrat an even at the end of the year, and I have no place booked yet. The usual place we have set is just too small for the event and I'm looking for something bigger, but I can't find a site for free. So many places charge like $30 an hour and our barony would prefer for the site to be free. I have a couple places in mind, but I don't know who to talk to about it. So I need to go hunt some people down and get a nice site set up for this event. I'm such a bad autocrat.

20 March 2009


Since I've been drooling over this Turkish outfit for weeks, I've decided to get help with making it. I've sewn very few things and I want to have it ready for Baron's war in July, since camping outside is so cold for me, and it would be nice to have a heavy kaftan.

I need to get some of the information from this lady that posted everything. Then I need to get some fabric. I have a woman who is willing to help me, and she is free on the days that I don't have class.

I'm really excited to get this rolling. I'll keep updating here when things get going and finished.

13 March 2009

Name and Device

My name has been sent in. I'm praying now that it comes back with no issues. I submitted my device, and the herald told me they needed to look and see if there are any commonalities with mine and anyone elses, then we can send it in for approval.

I was debating with myself as to whether I should have a device or not. My persona would never have had one, so at first I thought I shouldn't as well. Then some friends suggest I pick one I like and submit it, and I can decide later if I want to use it. One of these friends said that the SCA isn't completely true to history and having a device is a great way to mark your property or your land grab. So I'm more inclined to use it now, especially after finding something that really speaks to me, too. So I just have to wait, now, and see what happens.

26 February 2009

A turkish Ensemble

I found a great little blog on livejournal where a woman put pictures of her gorgeous Turkish ensemble.

There are five photos, each with another layer added to the ensemble. I love it! I can actually see how many layers there are. And while I was kinda going for a Persian persona, this Turkish outfit is absolutely beautiful. I'm planning on making it anyway. If I change my mind with respect to my persona, that's fine, but I really want this outfit. Dunno about the colors that were chosen, cuz I'll want to be a little bit different and not copy it exactly, but that's ok too. But it gives me something to work towards for Baron's War.

23 January 2009

Submitting my name for approval

I talked with the herald last night at fighter practice. Because of the research that I got back from St. Gabriel's that is all that I need to submit. We will try and submit it in February, since the heralds are all having issues right now. I'm ok with that. She said it will probably take about a year for it to get passed. I wish it wouldn't take that long, but I guess I have no control over that.

So once it gets submitted, I'll just have to wait.

22 January 2009

Talking to a herald

I got back the help from St. Gabriel's and am now ready to talk to a herald about getting my name passed. Tonight I'm meeting with a couple at fighter practice. I want to find out what all I need to do to get my name passed.

So I'll post more later tonight after I talk to a herald, to describe everything that is needed.

12 January 2009

Winter Oasis

I went to an event this weekend that was all about the middle eastern life. There was belly dance, which I loved. Also, there were some classes there. I went to a naming class and I'm thinking that my name that I sent to St. Gabriel might work for my persona. But I'm still waiting to hear back from them on what they think about it. Plus, I still need sources to prove it would work. But I'm working on that. The person who taught the class gave me her email address so I can chat with her about it.